Hostel Life Sucks! Said No Student Ever. 7 Things that You Can’t Forget from Your Hostel Days

“Best days of college life are spent in hostel”, goes the saying. Lifelong friendships are forged between people who share toothpaste and clothes and beds. Here are seven things that you will do or feel during your hostel days.

1. Can I sleep some more?
Most of your hostel life will be spent on sleeping, which is usually a stretch of 12-15 hours starting roughly around 3AM. Yes, sleep. Class, what class?

2. No matter what, I am not eating Hostel’s food
No matter how hungry you are you’ll never satisfy your hunger with the crappy hostel food. You’ll discover new ways of filling your belly, more on that in #7. I know my friends who set the menu for their hostel kitchen and still ask for my lunch.

3. Hanging out in undies
You get used to people going around in their undies (boys!), scratching buttcheeks and what not! You no more feel ashamed, wherever you go.

4. Bathing? No, I have my deo
You wear the cleanest looking and least smelling clothes. And when even the deodorant fails to hide the smell assaulting the nostrils of the people around you, it’s time to do some laundry. But you know, a shirt can easily go for weeks and jeans? Unless it’s ripped.

5. Senior management
Until and unless you’re in your final year your seniors may call you over for their entertainment at any time. Mark my words, ANY TIME!
What kind of entertainment you ask? Well the first time I was summoned by my seniors, I found a bunch of my batchmates standing half naked in their room. Figure it out!

6. Celebrating Birthday in Hostel? RIP
Hostel guys beat the living shit out of the lucky birthday boy. And they’re not just your average birthday bombs either; you’ll feel like a rapist getting punished in Saudi Arabia.

7. Midnight excursions
Nothing beats the feeling of excitement and adventure when you dodge the patrolling security guards and jump the fence of your campus to get to that all-night dhaba for some paranthas and a lot many other things done for pleasures, if you know what I mean.

No wonder hostel days are the most memorable part of your college life. The memories stay with you. The most embarrassing photographs stay with your friends.

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